Ojas Facial | 30 Minutes | $60

Ojas Facial | 45 Minutes | $110

Ojas Facial | 60 Minutes | $120

Ojas Facial | 75 Minutes | $140

*Upon request, all ojas facials come with a take-home journaling exercise that works with the phases of la luna (the moon). Working with the Moon in all her phases helps to remind us that our lives are cyclic and there is no finish line. We can always begin again no matter how far we feel we have strayed. The cycle continues….

Oncology Facial | 45 minutes | $65: This facial is for anyone dealing with a cancer diagnosis. The focus is on hydrating and replenishing your skin as well as relaxing your body/mind.


What is Microcurrrent?

Microcurrent treatment involves using a low-level electrical current to stimulate facial muscles to be more tightened and firm. Like yoga asana for your face! A thin layer of water-based conductive gel is applied to the treatment area. Next, two wands are used to stimulate the skin and specific muscles. There is no discomfort throughout the treatment process. The entire face becomes more lifted and contoured: more prominent cheek bones, a more defined jawline, lift around eyes and brows, and diminished lines. It also stimulates the production of key structural proteins called elastin and collagen, which will lead to a fuller look and improved overall complexion.

Why Microcurrrent?

Microcurrent is your treatment…designed to keep you looking (and feeling!) younger for longer.

  • It Refreshes & Reinvigorates:

    • A series of treatments will take years off your appearance, with results being long-lasting, and no risk of side-effects. In fact, you’ll start seeing improvements after just one treatment

  • It Enhances Natural Beauty:

    • Improves skin quality (tone, texture, glow)

    • Lifts jowls and eyebrows

    • Reduces wrinkles, fine lines, dark circles and eye bags

    • Decreases low-grade inflammation

    • Promotes lymphatic drainage

    • Increases skin care product penetration

    • Acts as a preventative measure against Botox, fillers, and facelifts

  • It’s Backed by Science:

    • Microcurrent treatment has been used medically for decades as an anti-aging tool, and became FDA approved in the early 1980s as a muscle stimulator for Bell’s palsy and other conditions that cause muscle paralysis. It has been shown to encourage the production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) and amino acids, which leads to cell repair and healthy cell production.

  • It’s a Workout for you Face:

    • As we age, facial muscles start going south. So, we need to keep them fit. Microcurrrent uses low-level electrical current to stimulate the muscles in order to “train” them to stay firm and lifted.

  • It Goes Hand in Hand with Botox and Fillers:

    • If you already get Botox or fillers, microcurrent is a perfect compliment. In fact, Botox and fillers actually work better when paired with microcurrent because it makes your procedure last longer. Botox and fillers are a quick fix, but do nothing for muscle tone or collagen production - all of which are needed to maintain the face’s natural youthful appearance. Over time, Botox actually leads to muscle atrophy. Microcurrent helps keep those muscles alive and invigorated instead of atrophied. Microcurrent is also a great choice if you are trying to wean off of Botox or fillers.

*If you’ve had Botox or fillers please wait 2 weeks for it to settle before getting a microcurrent treatment

**Contraindications to microcurrent treatment include: anyone with an implanted pacemaker or defibrillator or are currently pregnant.

“Signature” Ojas Microcurrent Facial | 75 Minutes | $180: During this treatment you will enjoy a double cleanse, light exfoliation, manual lymphatic drainage, microcurrent treatment, and Celluma LED light therapy, followed by an application of serum and moisturizer.

Microcurrent Facial Series of 10 Treatments | 60-120 Minutes | $1795 (2 Payment Options discussed below): This is a series of 10 microcurrent treatments that build upon each other. In this platinum series, the microcurrent treatment stimulates 32 different facial muscles. The first and tenth treatments are 120 minutes long and include a double cleanse, light exfoliation, manual lymphatic drainage, microcurrent treatment, and Celluma LED light therapy, followed by an application of serum and moisturizer. Treatments 2-9 are 60 minutes long and include a cleanse and microcurrent treatment, followed by an application of serum and moisturizer. For treatments 7-10, in addition to the above, the neck area is also included within the microcurrent treatment portion. For this series, treatments should be performed at a minimum of once every 2 weeks or as much as 3 times a week.

When booking this treatment series, schedule the first treatment here by selecting “Microcurrent Facial Series of 10”. Immediately following your first treatment, we will work together to schedule all remaining treatments and arrange payment. Payment will not be charged until after your first treatment. Payment options include:

  1. Pay the total balance of $1795 following the first treatment

  2. Pay five equal payments of $359. Payments are to be made following treatments 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9.

**No Discounts applied to any Facial Series.

Celluma LED Light Therapy

What is Light Therapy?

Light Emitting Diode phototherapy is the application of light energy to tissue to obtain therapeutic benefits. The energy is used to improve cellular performance. Specific wavelengths of light energy up-regulates compromised cells. The light energy is absorbed is absorbed by photo-acceptors in the mitochondria and used to create adenosine triphosphate or ATP (cellular fuel)!!

Celluma delivers blue, red, and near-infared light energy to treat a wide variety of conditions. Your LED light setting will be determined by your skin on the day of your service.

LED is most beneficial when done in a series but is also a wonderful stand alone facial treatment.


  • Increase Circulation

  • Accelerate tissue repair

  • Decrease wrinkles

  • Decrease inflammation

  • Improve skin tone & texture

  • Kills Acne bacteria and helps heal old scarring

75 Minute Celluma LED Therapy Facial | $145 | Facial includes Cleanse, Gentle appropriate exfoliation, Customized mask, Facial/Neck massage, 30 Minutes of LED light therapy, customized serum and moisturizer application. For all skin issues.

LED Facial Series:

These series are ideally done with facials 2-3 x week. To book, click your choice of treatments under “Book Appointment” and we will schedule the follow up facials after your first appointment.

Express Acne Relief LED Facial Series | 8-45 minute treatments | $400: This Series was created for guests suffering from current acne and old acne redness. Facials include Cleanse, Light exfoliation as needed, 30 Minutes of LED therapy, Application of customized serum and moisturizer.

Express Rejuvenating LED Facial Series | 10-45 minute treatments | $500: This Series was created for guests focused on renewing tired, dull skin. Facials include Cleanse, Light exfoliation as needed, 30 minutes of LED therapy, Application of customized serum and moisturizer.

*LED is not suited for anyone suffering with a seizure disorder.

**No discounts on facial series.

Also See “Add-On” section to read about adding LED light to any other facial.


What is Reiki?? Reiki is a modality for healing that utilizes the therapist’s energy and your own energy to help activate your own natural healing processes. I believe it helps to strengthen your ability to relearn to trust yourself and return to your more intuitive state. Reiki is especially helpful when used with other modalities, such as yoga and meditation, on our journey to know ourselves deeper.

For your reiki session we’ll sit and have a consultation first. Then you’ll lay on a massage table (you may leave your clothing on) where gentle touch will be used to facilitate your reiki session.

The session time ranges from one hour to ninety minutes. After the session we’ll talk again, concluding with a discussion about how it went and how the experience resinated.

You don’t have to know anything about reiki, if you are curious, try it and see for yourself. It can be a powerful tool.

Reiki Session | 90 Minutes | $130

Reiki Package of 3 Sessions | 90 Minutes Each | $312


Combining these two services at first seemed complex, perhaps like they were unrelated, until I actually began the practice! I’ve discovered these two modalities compliment each other perfectly by synergistically helping to release physical tension, as well as energetic stagnation.

Specifically, I’ve found that the Reiki along with facial massage helps to release tension and allows you to be more open to the entire experience. The mask sinks into the skin and treats you topically, while you are simultaneously excavating your deeper self. I’m so excited to bring this combination to life here at Ojas. I believe you’ll love the entire experience as well. Your facial/reiki experience will be divided into two parts: Intention and Session.

The session will begin with you seated. We’ll have a consultation and discuss your intention for our time together. This is simple and you do not need to know anything about Reiki—just show up with an open mind and I’ll serve as your guide through the practice. Your intention can either be something you want to call more of into your life or, what you would like to release.

Following our conversation, the Reiki session will begin with you seated for 10-15 minutes. Next you’ll move to the facial table to lie down. The facial will incorporate a double cleanse, facial massage, custom mask application, neck & shoulder massage, customized serum, and moisturizer. Following this treatment, the Reiki will continue for an additional 45-60 mins with you lying. After the Reiki session is complete, you’ll get dressed, and we’ll talk again to conclude the session.

Facial/Reiki Session | 90 Minutes | $160


*Eyelash Lift | 60 Minutes | $70: A lift is a perm for your natural lashes. It is relatively no maintenance—the process takes about 45 minutes. Then you can’t wash your lashes for 24 hours and that’s it! Your lashes are curled and the results last 4-6 weeks.

*Eyelash Tint | 25 Minutes | $18

Eyebrow Tint | 30 Minutes | $25

*Eyebrow-Eyelash Tint Combo | 40 Minutes | $35

***Please do not wear contact lenses for these services.


Chin Wax | 15 Minutes | $12

Lip Wax | 15 Minutes | $12

Brow Wax | 30 Minutes | $25


***Please book add ons when you book your other services

Graceful Glow Celluma LED Treatment | 30 Minutes | $40 : During this session, your entire face and neck is treated with Celluma LED. All skin ‘types” benefit from LED and the treatment setting will be adjusted to you and your skin on the day of the service. This add-on must accompany a facial.

The Benefits of LED treatment include:

  • Helps skin function optimally by up-regulating cellular function

  • Increases cell fuel to assist in the regeneration of cell and tissues

  • Decreases inflammation and redness

  • Increases blood circulation, radiance and firmness

  • Kills acne bacteria

  • Improves skin tone and texture


Personalized shopping experiences available by appointments in 20 minute time slots at no cost & no pressure.

Ready to Relax?